Many companies, both large scale corporations and smaller businesses and startups, are starting to switch to flexible coworking arrangements for their teams.
As spaces begin to reopen on a city-by-city basis, our team at Deskpass has been hard at work making sure that your transition back is as smooth as possible.
In anticipation of a return to the workplace, we recently invited our 500+ partner coworking spaces to participate in a survey regarding their plans for reopening and what changes in service offerings and operations they intend to make.
What will it take for coworking spaces to be able to reopen and operate safely, given their shared environments? Deskpass cofounder, Nicole Vasquez, shares insights.
The New Work Project is a one-of-a-kind design-led coworking space in the trendy Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. The space caters to individually minded creators and innovators.
The Pioneer Collective is one of the most stylish coworking spaces in Seattle and available on Deskpass. Here's an inside look at the space and a glimpse into their community.
Deskpass does not own or operate the workspaces listed on our network. When a space is removed from Deskpass its because they are currently at capacity and can no longer accommodate drop-in coworking via Deskpass.