Coworking is no longer just for freelancers and remote workers; now, both large scale corporations and smaller businesses and startups, are starting to integrate more flexibility for their employees. From individuals to enterprise corporate teams, we’ve rounded up a few types of people you might find in many of our 500+ partners spaces.

Coworking is a great option for freelancers, especially those who like to split their workweek between their home office and a shared space. While some freelancers are required to physically work in-house for the companies they are contracting for, many are free to work from wherever they please.
Most freelancers tend to start with the most economical option—coffee shops—but quickly realize that it’s not so economical after all. Between $4 lattes (those really add up), unreliable wifi and no outlets in sight, it’s usually a short lived endeavor. Coworking offers the structure a home office can't, plus added amenities like free coffee and (in some places) snacks, as well as phone booths where they can take private client calls.

Remote workers
Many freelancers also fall under this category, as do employees of small to medium sized enterprises. We have some members who work in a different city than where their company is headquartered, which means that they work remotely even though they are part of a larger, in-person team. In these cases, usually the company will front the Deskpass membership fee for their employees. This provides a professional environment for their employees.

We’ve seen an upward trend in startups opting for coworking spaces over more traditional office spaces. Aside from the high costs associated with renting an office and the commitment of signing a long-term lease without knowing if and when your business will take off, startups typically thrive in more collaborative environments.
Startups, as well as small businesses or entrepreneurs, usually choose to have their own dedicated area or office within a larger coworking space. They might even try out several spaces out before committing to one that most meets their needs. We have many Deskpass members that are involved with startups, from fashion e-commerce and organic food solutions to healthcare and beyond.

Large-scale corporations
With our Deskpass Teams service, large corporations are able to easily provide affordable, flexible workspace options for their employees. Companies love this option for so many reasons, and not only because it saves them thousands of dollars in office rent each year.
From an employee satisfaction perspective, team members can use our app to find offices, meeting rooms, and space for the day, all on demand. There’s also the ability to easily manage and analyze the team’s access to flexible workspace, along with their usage over time.

Digital nomads
When you hear the term ‘digital nomad’ you might think of palm trees swaying in the Balinese breeze, but that isn’t always the case. While many people who tout being a digital nomad do choose to travel internationally, hopping from country to country, there are many who have a homebase and travel only on occasion. Freelancers could also be considered digital nomads, since they can do their work from any location, even in their own hometown.
Within the Deskpass community, we have members who work in the creative industries (like travel writing, photography and graphic design) that require them to travel frequently across the United States to meet with clients, conduct in-person interviews and scout locations for events. They purposely sign up for Deskpass because it gives them the opportunity to work from coworking spaces in any of the cities they travel to.

Get a complimentary $250 Deskpass credit when you sign up for a Teams account today.